Eagle Eye Technology built and help run the largest static NFC tag network in the UK for advertising.
One of the most versatile technologies in the last 10 years is now gaining massive public support and going mainstream. NFC can help your company in any number of ways and with iBeacons beginning to move into the public domain there has never been a better opportunity to embrace these technologies.
Eagle Eye Technology have been working with MasterCard, Clear Channel and Festival event companies to work out how NFC can revolutionise their businesses.
With NFC being built into more and more mobile phones it is becoming a standard way for people to interact with companies and brands, whether it be through the Clear Channel mobile advertising platform or MasterCard using NFC to help people make payments with their phones, NFC in mobile is here to stay.
NFC can also be used for tracking products or people. At Festivals in New Zealand and Australia Eagle Eye Technology have helped event companies run cashless events using NFC wristbands as the only means of payment and access.
iBeacons broadcast tiny bits of data to Bluetooth enabled devices allowing people to better interact with the world around them whilst on the move.
Talk to us to see how these great technologies can help your business.
Eagle Eye Technology built and run the world's largest permanent NFC advertising platform for Clear Channel